About me & contact


I started my professional career in 2000 at Banca del Gottardo in the HR department and as a private banking assistant, before moving to the HR department at Swiss Post in 2002.

At the same time, between 2001 and 2005, I completed my Bachelor of Business Administration by SUPSI (Switzerland) specializing in economics & management.

In 2006, I took over responsibility for a leadership training project for the Italian part of Switzerlandregion at Swiss Post in Berne.

In 2009, I joined the sales department in Berlin, first for mobile entertainment products & games (at Artificial Life Europe) and then for real estate (at Florin Immobilien).

2010 I took over a project for the harmonization of the quality measurement of the internal trainings at Swiss Post in Bern.

Since 2011 I offer to my international clients high quality services in the language and interpreter field, in the business support and in the educational field.

I look forward to reading from our next challenge.
